대변 결석 영어로
- Fecalith
- 대변: 대변 [大便] [인분] f(a)eces; excrements;
- 결석: 결석 [缺席] absence; nonattendance; a cut;
- 대변: 대변 [大便] [인분] f(a)eces; excrements; stools; dung; evacuation; excreta; motions; movements. ~ 보러 가다 go to the lavatory / go to the toilet. ~이 마렵다 want to go to the toilet / have a call of nature. ~을
- 결석: 결석 [缺席] absence; nonattendance; a cut; 『法』 default; nonappearance. 무~ regular attendance / non-absence. 무단 ~ absence without leave. 병고 ~ absence on account of illness. 장기 ~ a long absence. ~하다 be a
- 대변동: elevation; tremor; seism; earthquake; upheaval
- 대변인: 대변인 [代辯人] a spokesman; a mouthpiece. 외무부 ~ a Foreign Ministry spokesman / a spokesman / a spokesman for[of] the Minister of Foreign Affairs. 민중의 ~ a spokesman for the masses. 암흑가 주민의 ~ a mouthpiece
- 대변자: representative; mouthpiece; spokesman
- 대변학: eschatology
- 대변혁: revolution
- 결석 (의학): Calculus (medicine)
- 결석병: stone; calculus
- 결석의: absent
- 결석자: absentee
- 결석증: lithiasis
- 결석학: petrology